Toka Chef Holiday Special | Edible Snowy Pinecones

Toka Chef Holiday Special | Edible Snowy Pinecones

We all know pinecones and holiday season are inseparable. I bet pinecones are part of Christmas decoration in each and everyone's house. But can you eat pinecones? Oh yeah, why not, if its edible? :-) That's what I am going to share for this December month Toka Chef Recipe - Edible Snowy Pinecones made with Nutella, peanut butter, powdered sugar, and chocolate cereals or chocolate Chex mix.

These Nutella pinecones were on my todo list for quite some time, and finally, I got a chance to try them last month. These edible pinecones, not something new. You can find a lot of recipes including video recipes on the internet.

This recipe is a great craft idea during a rainy afternoon or a during a cold winter. It is also a perfect party craft idea. Be it a birthday party or a gettogether; this edible pinecone craft will keep your kids busy for sure. The recipe and process might sound simple, but shaping and arranging the scales can get quite tricky.

Read further to learn all the tips and tricks and how to handle the mishaps as well. I think I will add the suggestions first before proceeding to the recipe.

Suggestions / Notes

    • All the recipes out there call for butter, but I did not include any butter. I felt my peanut butter and Nutella had so much fat content, that I did not want to add any further.

    • Honestly, there is no set ratio for peanut butter to Nutella. If your kids have a peanut allergy, you can altogether skip peanut butter and go with just Nutella or use almond butter or other alternatives.

    • All you need is an excellent sticky binding agent, and you can opt for cookie dough as well.

    • Powdered sugar plays a significant role and include as required. If you feel the dough is not stiff, then combine powdered sugar and make it thick. The mixture should resemble play dough.

    • The pretzel sticks act as a stem and make sure it is always in the center of the dough. As you stick the cereal, it might move, but carefully bring it back to center.

    • If you are transferring the completed pinecone from one plate to another, slowly drag them from the base and move it. Never lift it from the top.

    • Also, it is typical for the Chex mix to fall while moving, but you can always attach them back.

    • I think I have listed all the notes and suggestions, so here is the recipe.

As it is a no-stove recipe, older kids can do this on their own. But I would recommend parents to help to hold the pretzel stick while the child attaches the pinecone scales/Chex mix.


This below measure yields four small pine cones as shown in the picture.

    • Nutella - 2 tbsps

    • Peanut Butter - 4 tbsps

    • Powdered Sugar - 1/3 cup + 2 tbsps + 2 tsps for dusting. (But add as required)

    • Pretzel Sticks - 4 to 5

    • Cereal - as required ( I would recommend chocolate Chex mix or Kellogs mini wheat bites)


    • Parental Step: Help your child with the ingredients measure and add the required amount of Nutella, peanut butter and powdered sugar in a bowl.

    • Child Step Let them combine the above three and form a dough. Help them while mixing as its bit hard.

    • Child Step:

    • Let your child take a small amount of dough(big gooseberry sized) and roll into a smooth ball.

    • Let them insert the pretzel stick in the center and slowly help them spread the dough around the pretzel stick to resemble a conical shape.

    • Parental Step: Hop the top of the pretzel stick.

    • Child Step: Let your child arrange and attach the cereal to the dough in circular rows like below.

    • As you reach the top, if required add a dollop of peanut butter mixture and add more cereal or cut off the top of the pretzel and cover it with peanut butter mixture.

    • Finally, dust the pine cone with powdered sugar for a ''snowy'' effect.

Edible snowy pinecone is ready.

Toka Yum Moment

Honestly, no would say no to pretzel sticks, peanut butter, Nutella and powdered sugar. The kiddo kept licking them while making these pinecones. One thing for sure, these pinecones will never be untouched.

Toka Chef Moment

Kiddo kept asking what happens if we use different cereal other than chex mix. So we thought of trying other ones as well. So here is our attempt with chocolate rice crispies and corn cereal. With crispies, you get beautiful pinecone buds but it requires a lot of time and of course patience.

With Wheat Bites

With Chocolate Crispies and Corn Cereal

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