Crafts for your Budding Entomologist!

Crafts for your Budding Entomologist!

Is your child interested in bugs and insects? Here are some simple bonus activities from Toka Box that you can try with materials at home to find out more about the insects - how many legs does an insect have? What is the difference between a dragonfly and a damselfly? Did you know boy ladybugs are orange and girls are red?

Encourage your budding entomologist this summer with these Insect Crafts and an Insect Log*

Insect Crafts

From Ants to Bumblebees, here are 5 insects you can make with plastic spoons.

You need:
6 Plastic Spoons


You also need: Green Construction Paper

Color a Spoon as shown.

Cut a Leaf shape of your choice.

Cut a small hole in the leaf to insert the spoon.


You also need: Parchment Paper








Color a Spoon as shown.

Cut 2 wings from the parchment paper.

Stick them together to form wings and attach to the spoon.


You also need: 3 Black Pipe Cleaners

Color and Place the Spoons as shown.

Wrap the 3 pipe cleaner to make six legs for the ant and make it stand. Add eyes.

Bumble Bee

You also need: Parchment paper

Break off the spoon and color and stick wings to the bumble bee


You also need: construction paper of any color

Fold the paper in half and cut out the butterfly wings. Cut out a hole for the spoon.

Color the spoon, Add eyes and put the butterfly together


*And here is a Fun Free Insect Log Printable from Toka Box to help kids draw and record their Insect findings!

Download this Free Insect Log Printable


Have a Bugtastic Day!

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