8 Board Books with an Indian Theme

8 Board Books with an Indian Theme

Board books are the perfect way to introduce kids, rather babies, to the reading world.

Here are some of our favorite board books, some popular and many that we have reviewed in the past-

1. My First Book of Indian Gods and Goddesses

My First book of Indian Gods & Goddesses by Sonila Prashant, illustrated by Alankrita and published by Beanstalk Cottage, is a cute board book aimed at introducing our little ones to our Indian Gods. And that is exactly what it does, oh so perfectly!

‘My first book on Indian Gods and Goddesses’, could be your baby’s first big board book.

Some would argue, there is remarkable religious tolerance embedded within the pantheon of countless Indian gods and goddesses, which allows everyone to experience the divine in the way that suits them best. And therefore, I guess its wise to introduce them to our kids at an early age in a way that is positive, effective and fun!

It is beautifully illustrated with many of the Gods – from everyone’s favorite Ganesha to the mischievous Krishna, from the Supreme Lord Shiva to the Superhero Hanuman! Young kids will get an insight into the traits of the Gods and Goddesses. They can also grasp some concepts of colors and shapes along the way. Colorfully designed as a board book, this could be a perfect way to introduce books to your baby. It comes with a bonus activity- a sticker sheet, which I’m sure the 2 to 4 yr olds will love. Even though the title says- ‘My first book on Indian Gods and Goddesses’, it could as well be your baby’s first big board book!

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2. Padmini is Powerful

Padmini is Powerful by Bharat Babies introduces readers to Hindu gods. Padmini is wise like Ganesh, she is generous like Lakshmi, and energetic like Parvati. Through Padmini, we will meet these Hindu gods, and learn that power has many forms.

3. Meet My Hindu Gods

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3. Four Board Books on Regional Rhymes

Children enjoy songs. The best way to make them observe their surroundings and learn new things is to make them sing small poems and rhymes.India has varied culture and many languages and in each language, there are interesting and educative rhymes in plenty. Many such regional rhymes have been adapted in English by Tulika Publications. These are available as small, handy, colorful books of rhymes. Because of this, a wider audience can enjoy these beautiful regional rhymes.  

Read the entire list here!

4. Board Book on Dances

The package with the Dances of India book published by Our Little Loka, arrived and the first thing I loved when I opened it was the wonderful packaging with a book cover for the book inside. The book itself is a sturdy board book that looks like it can stand up to most kids constant usage. My daughter immediately fell in love with the colorful illustrations. The book introduces Bharathanatyam, Dandiya, Chaau and Bhangra - dances representing each of the four corners of India.  

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