5 Beautiful Process Art Projects for Kids!
Ever heard of Process Art? It emphasizes the process of making art; where the means of making the art project are more important than the end result! It is not about teaching kids how to do art, but all about the experience kids get from doing it.
Here are some fun process art projects, that we have loved and that you can try with your kids this summer!
1. Modern Art with Plastic Eggs
Have plastic eggs? Make Modern Art like what we did below using Circle Art Process Painting technique. An Open-ended creative activity for toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, or elementary children!
2. Sensory Spice Painting
Spice Painting is a fun way to make some creative art - with a sensory twist and your end result is definitely going to smell and look great! You can use all the spices right from your pantry. Take care especially with young kids and do check for allergies, if any, before you start.
We really liked this fun Project from Craftulate and plan on trying it out over the weekend!
3. Rock Painting!
With Spring in full bloom, here's something you could do and hit two targets at once - Art for the garden! Pick a smooth river stone, trace a ladybug/butterfly or flower on it and paint it. you could also check out these Ladybug Painted Rocks from Crafts by Amanda.
This activity is so simple and yet looks extremely stunning. It also acts as a great stress reliever for adults, definitely something you can try and do with kids and then use to decorate your home garden.
4. Cherry Blossom Painting with Cotton balls
Spring and Cherry blossoms are almost synonymous. We recently saw a Cherry Blossom painting at my daughter's elementary school art event. Her art teacher was proudly displaying all her students work and it really looked so cool! So, I had to look it up and here is one I found - a cherry blossom painting with cotton balls from Projects with Kids a perfect spring art project for kids!
5. Process Art Nature Painting
If you have taken a nature walk with your kids this spring, you might know what we mean! With all the flowers, twigs, branches, pine cones etc that you collect, why not make art. Process Art at its best- Head over to School Time Snippets for a detailed process of this fun 'Process Art' Nature Painting Project!