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Ramanujan: From Zero To Infinity

Ramanujan: From Zero To Infinity

Regular price $14.99 USD
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Srinivasa Ramanujan wants to go to school in Kumbakonam only to do maths but his class has no maths teacher this year.

Instead, there is a series of substitutes making the boys do strange exercises--lifting iron ingots, measuring milk, jumping from one island to another and frying fish. Ramanujan wants no part in it, but he and his team, the Kumbakonam Krackerjacks are drawn into a challenge with the Triumphant Trio--and in any maths challenge, Ramanujan has to win!

Filled with rollicking humour, puns, puzzles, this meticulously researched novel describes the childhood of one of the world's greatest mathematicians in a vividly imagined historical setting. Priya Kuriyan's joyful illustrations capture his daily life in striking detail.

The Great Minds at Work series looks at the childhoods of people who made history against the backdrop of the times and places they grew up in.

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