Tigers Forever!  Book Review

Tigers Forever! Book Review

Tigers Forever! published by Katha Books by Ruskin Bond and with illustrations by David Stribbling is a wonderful book to introduce your child to this magnificent animal.

There was a time when the mighty dinosaurs ruled the earth. We see them only in books, toys, and cartoons now. Though its hard to imagine sharing the world with those gigantic species, my son wishes we had at least a few around us.

Now with drastic climate changes and increased pollution, the existence of almost all species is challenged.

Endangered species

Until the 20th Century, there were nine tiger subspecies that probably numbered over 100,000 animals. They included the giant 660-pound or the 300-kilo Siberian and Caspian (now extinct) tigers. The relatively small and now extinct 200 pound (90 kilos) Balinese tiger was prevalent. Now there are either 5 or 6 tiger subspecies remaining in existence; all are endangered! All tiger subspecies put together currently amount to fewer than 3,000 endangered tigers remaining in the wild.

About the book

Tigers Forever! is a book from Katha bearing a poetical expression of love for tigers by Ruskin Bond. Ruskin Bond has been sharing his knowledge in the form of books for over sixty years and has more than 120 titles in print. This book is sure to enthrall kids with the majesty of the tigers.

The combination of impressive lines from the author and life-like paintings of grandeur from David Stribbling creates a magical land of tigers in the minds of the readers. I wonder if the tigers on the page are real because they seem to speak! Their eyes roar with pride, fear, joy, and sometimes grief! I could feel them! So would you!

The future calls

'Katha's works are driven by the idea that children can bring change to their communities that is sustainable and real' said paper tigers! Tigers Forever, for instance, sure rings with that ideology! I hope that the Bengal Tiger will live on not just in these books but in the real world.

May there always be tigers!

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