A Tangle of Brungles | Book Review
Ideal for Halloween, this review of A Tangle of Brungles from Karadi Tales is coming in just a little bit late.
Written by Shobha Vishwanath and Illustrated by Culpeo S. Fox, the book is indeed a sinister brew!
What the Book is About
A coven of witches brew up a potion to summon up Mr. Brungle who is so wickedly vile, the witches want to marry him. So in go bunches of all kinds of stuff into the stew, and we learn a lot of collective nouns along the way - A Murder of Crows and a Parliament of Owls come to watch and caw and so on, while the witches throw in a Bind of Eels and a Clew of worms and more. I personallylearnt a lot of collective nouns that I had never heard of or even thought of really. That was fun!
And out of potion, as the witches wait for Mr. Brungle to apparate, pop out other creatures like a Bevy of Swans and a Muster of Peacocks and more. Kind of like the Churning of the Ocean story of the Puranas.
What happens when Mr. Brungle finally appears out of the brew? Well, you have to read the book :)
Idea for ages 6+ and a great book on collective nouns!
And if you are wondering what a Brungle is? The dictionary tells me it is a knavish bit of business!
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