Two Bilingual Book Reviews: One and Many, The Lion and the Fox

Two Bilingual Book Reviews: One and Many, The Lion and the Fox

The Lion and the Fox is a book that puts a spin on the original tale from the Panchatantra! Retold by Deepa Balsavar, this book emphasizes the environmental aspects of the modern world. This is one book you don't want to miss!

Panchatantra stories are the oldest surviving fables from ancient India. Most stories employ animal characters and aim to impart moral values to young kids through interesting stories.

The Lion and the Fox is one such fable retold by Deepa Balsavar. The book is published by Tulika. Balsavar emphasizes the environmental issues of the modern world. The lion and the fox scavenge for food in a barren forest. They strike a deal to share any available source. A woodcutter falls prey to his own greed. He lets the animal trick them. He realizes his folly when the fox names him brainless and shuts down his own escape route. The story brilliantly portrays the need for conservation. The ending will give a hard blow to young minds. It is a good way to understand our world and ecosystem in a new light.

After witnessing Deepa's artistic side through her book One and Many, I loved her impressive narration that makes the age-old fable more contemporary in ideology. You can't miss the rich illustrations by Amrita Kanther, an alumna from the Industrial Design Centre, IIT Bombay. Her culturally rich Gond art from the people of central India speaks for itself.

The Lion and the Fox is a brilliant retelling

Shivani Arora, a freelance writer, and translator, who contributes to newspapers and magazines, has translated the original English narration to Hindi to create a delightful bilingual book.

This book brings to light the serious issues of deforestation and man`s greed in exploiting natural wealth to the point of completely devouring it. The Lion and the Fox is relevant to our times.

The Lion and the Fox is part of the Toka Explorer box for September. Subscribe to Toka Box here!


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One and Many
is a beautiful bilingual book from Tulika publications that play on the words 'one and many' and 'ek aur bahut saarey' beautifully.

Bilingual books are a great way to introduce a child to many languages in a single sitting! This Hindi-English Bilingual book Ek Aur Bahut Saarey is Indu Sreekumar`s first book with Tulika Publications. Indu Works in the NGO Eklavya in Bhopal. Her book Ek Aur Bahut Saarey has been translated and adapted into English under the title 'One and Many'.

The book goes about in simple sentences that have words 'one' and 'many' repeating itself through every page. This book is a great way to introduce the idea of singular and plural terms. After multiple readings of the book, it was a treat to see my son recognize and read the Hindi words 'ek ' ,'aur,' and 'bahut.'

Beautiful Illustrations

My little one loved the colorful pages of the book. These illustrations bring back memories of my childhood days. I remember dancing in the rain, playing hide and seek, and stargazing. I watched ripples in the pond after competing who could make a stone travel the farthest.

The book brings us a step closer to nature creating a love for gadget-free outdoor games. Thanks to Deepa Balsavar, we enjoyed playing hours of 'I Spy' inspired games. We spotted specific objects from elaborate illustrations of scintillating scenes.

What makes this bilingual book stand out

We love that the book uses two different languages to explore an expression or an idiom. This is a superb way to internalize a new language. The beauty of a bilingual book is that it moves beyond just a word-by-word translation. One and Many/Ek Aur Bahut Saarey' compare meanings and expressions beautifully.

This is a great book that newly minted readers will love!

This book is in the Toka Junior boxes for Preschoolers this September

Peek into the book!


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