Knock Knock! - A Delightful Story Unfolds

Knock! Knock! illustrated by Kaori Takahashi and published by Tara Books is a quirky delight.

The book comes in a "box". A little girl comes home and finds that her bear is not there. She looks for it at home and decides to go on a quest to look for her bear in her apartment building. The story unfolds here literally as the books folds out. The little girl knocks on the door asking for her bear, when you flip the door over, the inside of the apartment is revealed with all its mystery. Strange happenings inside houses - just like as children, we probably remember imagining what might go on in someone's house.

Our favorite apartment was of course this one


As the girl reaches the top she finds her bear and comes running down the stairs. The stairs unfold and tumble out which was the most delightful part of the book.

A book that takes you on a literal and imaginative adventure, you will never know what you will find when you open that door!

Recommended for little kids! An unique book indeed.

Here is your chance to win it at IMCs Giveaway
Book Giveaway | Knock Knock by Tara books

Image credits: Tarabooks

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