Jalebi Jingles And Other Fun Poems by Sakshi Singh!

Science says that talking to your child helps a lot. Talk in simple words. Talk in multiple languages as long as you are making your intent clear. Language mixing is very important here.

So what is better than a poetic book with illustrations and rhythmic words and language mixing? Here is one for you - Jalebi Jingles by Sakshi Singh. Interesting name, huh?

It is a simple poem book for toddlers and kids with 38 jingles. Each poem represents our day-to-day activities in a funny, rhythmic and poetic manner which helps the kids to relate to them easily. The first poem is "Peri Pauna" which is a Punjabi word and it means touching elder's feet as a gesture of respect. For kids abroad, this might be a new thing and the author explains why we do it in her own way. Most of the poems have languages mixed and the author explains the meaning also. The illustrations are simple and funny. My personal favorites are "Jingling Jalebis", "Plum-Plink-Phish!" and "Phone Groan". If you are looking for a light, read-aloud and rhythmic book for kids, check this one out.

Today is the World Poetry Day. To celebrate this day, we are calling out all our young poets to send in their entries. Share a poem to enter into the contest and win a copy of the funny 'Jalebi Jingles' and a mention in Sakshi Singh's blog as well!

Since it is poetry day, we thought we will introduce our readers to a poetry type known as Acrostic poem. According to Wiki, An acrostic is a poem or other form of writing in which the first letter, syllable or word of each line, paragraph or other recurring feature in the text spells out a word or a message. The young writers' website gives more information of Acrostic poems and other kinds of poems too.

So celebrate this World Poetry Day by letting your imagination fly away! Write about the sky, the world, the wind, the water, that yummy pasta you ate or just anything that catches your fancy! Write about how you want to change your world or what will you do when you grow old! Write about everything or just one thing...but put on your thinking caps and send us your entries. Or ask your little ones to write their thoughts and send it to us! Please do mention the age of your child when you send in the entries! Details below!

IMC's Poetry Contest

Image credits: Sakshi/Team IMC

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