Fly, Little Fish! - Book Review

Fly, Little Fish! - Book Review

Fly, Little Fish! written by Lavanya Karthik, illustrated by Satwik Gade and Ashwathy P.S and published by Karadi Tales is a great addition to your child's bookshelf.

To Dream

Dreams have always expanded our understanding of reality by challenging the boundaries of the 'real' and the 'possible'.

We all want our kids to be extraordinary performers, but do we give them the freedom to explore beyond limitations? Are we nurturing their dreams? Can we achieve something without daring to be different?

About Fly, Little Fish!

"Fly, Little Fish!" is an answer to this debate. The book speaks of a little fish who wants to fly and try to explore the limitless sky. When his fellow sea creatures hear of it, they dissuade the little one. Did the little fish submit to reality and forgo it's dream?

Author Lavanya Karthik along with illustrators Satwik Gade and Ashwathy P.S succeeded in materializing a fantastic picture book that is packed with complex concepts rightly placed for easy understanding. The book is sure to encourage young minds to dream, dare and deliver!

The most lovable part was the climax of the book, which explains 'Inspiration'. When I read the title of the book 'Fly, Little fish' and asked my 3 yr old 'Can fish fly?' , he replied "No Amma".After reading the book I asked, Can a fish fly? He said, "Yes if it tries to swim it can!" That is the impact of the book.

A great combination of fantasy, motivation, and perseverance for a beginner level reader.

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Featured Image Source: Karadi Tales

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