5 great things to take to the restaurant instead of the phone

5 great things to take to the restaurant instead of the phone

5 great things to take to the restaurant instead of the phone

Like every parent, I too have used my phone at the restaurant as a backup, or even taken a tablet.  Here are 5 things to entertain your little one when you are outside!

1. Crayon rocks

Photo credit: Amazon

Promote pencil grip with these awesome little crayon rocks –  non-toxic, soy based crayons!

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2. Invisible ink pen with UV light

Photo credit: Amazon

Write secret messages with these! This is so cool that even us as parents like to play with it!

3. Small games

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Card games like UNO, Go Fish, Memory Games or our new favorite Math Dice – ideal for first and second graders learning addition and subtraction.

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4. Small-sized books 

How about a small and beautiful bilingualLet's Readseries? Fancy a trip to the jungle with The Cat in the Ghat? Want to fall in love with a book about how a doll is handcrafted from a little ball of clay! Or guffaw over a funny and adorable tale about a traffic signal who loves his job but gets bored of standing in one place!

Psst, our favorite? The Karadi Rhymes featuring the magnificent Usha Uthup!  

5. Slide puzzles

Photo credit: Amazon

These are fun games to take with you when waiting for something, like say in a restaurant, without having to resort to the dreaded phone

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